Any Fool Can Make a Baby…

These men.

These are men that further solidify my belief that a High Power is at work whether I choose to at acknowledge it or not sometimes.

When I think of these guys I think of how absolutely blessed I am to have them not only in my life – BUT one man that raised from the beginning and the other man will be with me until the end.

I also think these two are some of THE BEST Dads out there despite the fact that neither of them have biological children.


Been my Daddy from Day 1 and since before I was born he made huge sacrifices for me. HUGE. My Dad worked and still works hard to provide for us-  Not only while he’s around, but for years after he’s gone. (Although I have told him to stop and start spending it with my Mom! lol) He has never raised his voice to my Mom, kisses her when he gets home everyday and has always supported her. My Dad is fair, hard working, God fearing man and I would not change anything about my childhood thanks to his commitment to our family.

My Hubs – well he’s a gem.

God- well we don’t talk about that. LOL!! 😂

Raymond would do anything for anyone. Works his ass off 6 days a week-  it used to be more. Since Day 1 took full responsibility for my kid and not as in, “Oh my new boyfriend is Marc’s New Daddy” right away, but because when we went out with the Babe he took it seriously.



Our first date he picked up Marcus’ car seat and I could tell he didn’t think we were playing house – it wasn’t a game!!! He eventually seemed to make that same type of commitment my Dad did, however I can’t recall the day – it was just the way it was for us.

Both of these men are LEGIT.

The Real McCoys.

I’m forever grateful.

Happy Father’s Day.

Em x